Internet Home of the WCBNY


We are in the process of updating and relaunching our page of resources for the blind and visually impaired. As this work is ongoing, we would like to share some of the information here, including our newest resource link:

Resume and Employment Guide for People With Disabilities

This is a great resource with tips for job seekers with disabilities. There are also free tools for creating resumes, cover letters, etc. Thanks to the site for reaching out and sharing this with us.

General Business Meeting

Announcements went out over the mailing list for Saturday’s membership meeting, which will be a general business meeting, with a Board meeting immediately after. Both meetings are hybrid, with the live meeting taking place in White Plains and the virtual meeting on Zoom. Contact the president at if you need information on attending.

Coming Soon: Mentorship

The WCBNY Board of Directors voted last week to create a task force to get a mentorship program up and running for new members. You can read all about it here, including learning how you can get involved.

Safe Crossing

We recently gathered live again for a presentation on the AYES OKO app for iPhones. This remarkable implementation of AI, using the phone’s camera, opens up a lot of possibilities for the blind and visually-impaired to navigate city streets safer than ever before. It is capable of turning a regular pedestrian signal into an accessible signal at no cost to the end user. Read more about the app and our May meeting here.

Coffee Club LIVE!

WCBNY Members are shown in this thumbnail photo at their recent coffee club meeting.
Coffee Club

The WCBNY Coffee Club met live at The Pamplemousse Project on May 17th. Thirteen members and two dogs descended upon White Plains for a great time of socializing over tasty treats. And you can read all about it in this article.


Mr. Cahill Goes to Albany

WCBNY Vice-President, Martin Cahill, has been moonlighting as the ACBNY’s (our state organization) Legislative Chair. You can click here to check out some details of that important advocacy work. And there you’ll also find links to a couple of radio interviews featuring Martin.  Check it out here.